Thursday 1 October 2009


As far as we can tell with the lyrics for 'No looking back' the song appears to be about fighting or a fight, so this is something to be brought in to our narrative.
The video will, hopefully, be a cross between performance and narrative. It was the video for Animal I have Become that inspired the idea to start with the main character (most likely the lead singer) waking up and preparing for a fight, by training or just simple things like getting dressed.

One piece of the lyrics we were able to decipher was 'Nothing is left, a crack through the heart, I am strong and I won't be torn apart.' at this point we could show the characters girlfriend attempting to stop him but him pushing her away, then leaving her alone to go to the fight. Some emotion on her part could be particularly effective.

The performance parts would have a lot of movement and would most likely have to be gone through several times. As a location I have a room in my outbuilding that, if cleaned out, would make a good stage and my mother has a lot of lighting equipment, the room is small but will contrast to the narrative which would most likely be outside a lot. My father has a few guitars he may let us use also, plus I have a friend who plays drums and has his own.

Though most of the video would lead up to the fight at the end I think it'd be more effective for the video to end just before the first punch is thrown, with an inter splitting at some point of the performers throwing down they're instruments to show they've finished.

We could include some intertextuality from other films which involve fights, well known scenes like rocky or fight club. For example (Though we may not use it) Running up a large set of stairs as training.
The beginning of the video could start with an alarm going off and being turned off then going into the performance as the music get heavier, or show them preparing while the drum beat is on.

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